Sunday, February 1, 2009

This is why I don't generally give beauty advice...

...because this is the best I have to offer.

Yes, this piece of advice comes from the 1930s, and yes, you might be too embarrassed to actually do this, but damnit, it works.

Last night I had an awesome evening with Edyna and Lauren, eating Popeye's and smoking cloves. Despite all the fun, when I got back to my room, I smelled pretty nasty. I had a decision: shower at 1:30AM and sleep on a wet head, or go to bed and then wash my sheets the following morning.

I got out of the shower at 2, too exhausted to dry my hair. And then I remembered a certain piece of wisdom passed down from my grandmother to my mother to me!

So, you don't want to wake up with tangled hair and an ice cold pillow?

Brush out your hair, braid it, and pull a clean pair of underwear onto your head, tucking the braid in. You'll wake up with (almost) dry, untangled hair and a fairly dry pillow.

For real.

EDIT: A conversation with Catie just brought to my attention that I need to clarify this: by "smoking cloves" I do NOT mean smoking weed; cloves are an entirely legal type of cigarette. Though delicious, I don't recommend them, as they are entirely poisonous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude no way. I think I'm gonna try the underwear thing...for fun.