Friday, February 13, 2009


I have two different things I want to say about the number 2 (not talking about poop, no worries) but I'm not really sure how to tie the ideas together.
So we are reading about OCD in psych right now. I'm quite familiar with it, as 5 members of my family have it, 6 if you include me. It contributed a great deal to my difficulties with learning to drive, but other than that I have it under control, so it's not really something worth discussing.
Well, I have the obsessing part under control. The "C" part is what still gets me sometimes. It's nothing that interferes with my life, but if you have ever lived with me, you probably already know one of my little compulsions.
I have a special relationship with the number 2. I woke up all four years of high school at 6:02am (although, my clock was ten minutes fast, so it was actually 5:52,) and this morning I awoke at 8:02. I warmed my coffee for 2min, 42 seconds this morning, and if it weren't hot enough, I would have had to pop it in for 22 more seconds. 4s and 8s are okay, too, but I don't like them nearly as much as 2's. 6s are occasionally okay if they must be. The numbers 1 and 9 bother me quite a bit. I'm neutral about 3s and 7s (although, when my roommate set the microwave to 3min, 3 seconds the other day, I felt quite uncomfortable...she could have just set it to 3min, 2 sec and I'm sure the water temperature would have been much better.)

So now that I have shown you just how crazy I am, I figured it is time to move on to the next topic. Two really great things happened this week. Not like "Oh I got an A and a promotion and a new boyfriend" kind of great (meaning, I'm not about to brag about how great my life is going [it is the usual mess]; these aren't the kind of things that are going to make you feel bad about your own life.)
I know I didn't discuss this much while it was happening. I talk quite a bit, and I like to consider myself an open book, but I have difficulties talking about serious things. I am actually struggling right now to finish writing this and oddly enough, I can feel tears welling up. Last summer, my dad was diagnosed with cancer (Thank God, they caught it relatively early.) Yesterday was a great day because my dad finally finished treatment. I have more to say, but I don't really know how to put my feelings into words.
And something else happened, too, in my family that is pretty great. It's weird, but it gives me hope. It has to do with my nephew, which some of you probably already know is a sticky topic. Maybe we can talk about it in real life.
They say that everything happens in 3s, and even though it is so cheesy to say that it hurts a little, it would be pretty appropriate if my good things happen in 2s.

I was originally going to write about how all the flower boxes in the mail room made me angry, but I went for a personal post instead of a funny one. Posts to look forward to: Resumes; dying hair with koolaid.

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