Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've done bad things for money

I sit here, sweaty and tired from my shift at Subway. Like formerly homeless people who wish that they still lived on the streets when they get stressed (its true, I swear,) it is times like these that I wish I could just do odd jobs for cash like I did last year. No taxes, excellent pay, weird hours.
A few in particular come to mind...working for the professor who often didn't wear pants, the sleep study where I did mazes on a computer, the one where a voice with a British accent screamed commands for a computer test, etc. etc.
There is one story that I thought was worth sharing. I participated in a "Disturbing Images" study during finals first semester finals in 2007. I was exhausted after studying the whole day for Chemistry. After an hour of psychological profiling, I sat for the images part. Some were "disturbing," while others were supposed to be "pleasant" and I was asked to rate them on a scale from causing "extreme discomfort" to causing "extreme pleasure." A picture of a tiger...a picture of a tiger eating another animal...a bloody hand...a knife...a hot air balloon...a shark...a peaceful lake
As I sat in the recliner I could feel the heat of the room getting to me. My eyes started to droop. I started responding to each image as "neutral." I heard a voice come over my headphones (I was also hooked up to an EEG, which must have told the guy that his patient was nearly passed out. Sometimes I still wonder why my mother didn't approve of these studies) and the man running the study asked me if I was feeling okay. I responded that I was fine. I decided that I needed to have a strong reaction to the next picture, no matter what it was. I hoped it would be of something really disturbing, like a car crash, so the man would start getting the results he wanted. The picture came up, and I instantly responded that it gave me EXTREME pleasure. The picture looked something like this:



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