Monday, February 9, 2009

Lent dilemma

Ash Wednesday is two weeks from this Wednesday, marking 40 days until Easter. For those 40 days, Catholics are supposed abstain from something they love or perform some sort of service they wouldn't normally.
Every year since I can remember, I've just given up soda and called it a day. I plan on doing that again this year, but I also want to give up something that would really be a sacrifice for me. Giving up soda is more or less a health thing that I should abstain from I've narrowed it down to two contenders for what else I plan on giving up:

Chocolate or booze.

I love both so very much. While I ingest alcohol significantly less frequently than chocolate, I think I enjoy alcohol a little bit more (eek).
Chocolate: includes putting cocoa in my coffee, dessert in the dining hall, cookies at work
Alcohol: Arty and Edyna's birthday, spring break (St. Patrick's day would be an exception...I don't have that much self control)

I need input on this one.


laurenf said...


logic says chocolate. you enjoy it more often.

catholicism would probably say booze.

so, the question is good of a catholic do you want to be? lol

Alicia said...

I was raised Catholic, but never got on the Lent-train. However, I feel that since you've already allowed yourself St. Patty's day, you might as well pick Chocolate so you don't feel like you're cheating. Besides, they drink wine all the time in the Bible. I think they'd approve.

dL said...

choco tacos this summer...
but not in march / early april