Thursday, January 1, 2009

You are now entering...

I could make that a silly pun, like, "You are now entering...2009," but I won't.

I've decided not to make any resolutions this year. It's not because I think I'm so great that I don't even need resolutions. That couldn't be farther from the truth. My grades need a huge improvement, I need to focus more on the important things, I need more self-control, and the list continues. I knew these things in '08, though, and I did little to fix them. It'll just be easier to see where the year takes me. There is so much that is out of my control, that I might as well just surrender myself to whatever will be and roll with it. I'll try to do my best in school, but that isn't because I was waiting for '09 to come. Beyond that, whatever happens, happens. This time next year I'll probably where I am right now-- parked on the couch in front of the Twilight Zone marathon, regretting the Entinmanns I ate the night before and the vodka that I didn't get to drink. Who knows, though. I could be done with my first semester at Hunter in the nursing program, Stony Brook, Queens, Brooklyn. I could be finished with my fifth semester at BU. I could be cracked out in an ally and not aware that it's New Years Day!

The last one was some hyperbole. I should use more of that in '09.

So, for 2009, I hope for myself--and everybody--with these crazy times that we can just be content, and maybe even happy, with the changes that the new year will bring.

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