Friday, January 30, 2009

Yes, I have wasted that much of your time

This is my 101st post. I have wasted 101 posts worth of your time babbling about Bono, Frasier, Subway, a monkey that peed into its own mouth, not having a boyfriend, and my pet fish.

So, on all of those topics:

-I am thinking of writing a paper for my psych class on Frasier. We have to diagnose a fictitious character with a mental disorder, and I like the not-so-subtle irony of diagnosing a psychiatrist.

-U2 came out with a new album. I wonder if its crap or not.

-I just found out that the daytime crew makes $2 more an hour than I do. It was rather demoralizing.

-For psych we have to read cases; today we read about a 15 year old girl with social anxiety disorder. They mentioned her boyfriend. Even a fictitious girl with social anxiety (including a fear of, well, everything. Speaking and eating in front of people, going to public places) somehow lands a dude. wtf.

-I have to clean the fish crap out of Splenda-Claudine's tank. I can't believe how much my fish shits. I swear, her poop looks like it comes from a small animal.
Thanks guys for reading! (Sorry that you can't get back the time you spend reading this)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tribute to someone special

A dear, dear old friend had this as her facebook status recently:

Her little side quote reads "I'm effin' amazing"

Kelly was inspired.

And so was I.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rage against the dying of the light

Nearly three years ago, Mr. Huggard said to our 9th period English class something along the lines of: "I always urge my classes not to go gentle into the good night, but I can tell, this class will never go gentle anywhere." He of course said this with affection, as he actually told our class that we were his favorite. That class was like no other; an assortment of sometimes overly enthusiastic people that seemed to just click.

I've been thinking about how I've allowed a defeatist attitude to overcome me these past few months. That really is not who I want to be, and the more I thought about it, I became slightly disgusted with myself. I quickly got over it and made the decision that I have to just get my act together, and simply put, be bold. I used to be; I used to have big plans and I used to go full force into everything. At some point I started to get lazy, though, and that shit just really needs to stop. (For my Kellenberg people, I can put it this way--I'm an 8, dammit! I just haven't been acting it lately.)

So, I must end this post here as an English assignment and phonetics transcription practice and cover letter edits await me. I'm ready to take the bull by the horns again (and chop those horns off, carve them into some sort of bracelet, and make bull sandwiches with the meat.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Road Less Traveled

Following the road less traveled leads to a place where outsiders will perhaps scoff at you, perhaps judge you negatively because they do not understand.

The road less traveled leads to a desolate place, a place populated only by the few willing to dare.

The road less traveled is a long path, sometimes rewarding along the way, sometimes trying.

Yes, you guessed it. The road less traveled leads to Bismarck.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chester the Jester and other shits and giggles

-The last post featured a photo of a Christmas present from Uncle Frank. Every Christmas, my uncle sends a puzzling Chistmasesque (but not wholly Chirstmasy) gift. Such gifts have included a faceless angel statue, a gold cone that somewhat resembled a Christmas tree, and the jester doll. Catie and I named it Chester.

Two Christmases ago, Chester graced the top of our tree. We lost the star, so David and I impaled it and stuck it up there.

-I put on my gym clothing, hoping that it would prompt to actually go. No such luck. One of these days, though.

-Last night I ate dinner at the Asian supermarket. I got some sticky rice with beef paste was interesting, but I didn't love it. What I did love, though, were the boneless spare ribs and the prices. Dishes cost between $2.50 and $7!

-I'm determined to get my act together again. Starting by doing homework all weekend.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have a phonetics quiz that I need to study for. I don't want to!
Here's an unrelated picture:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Heaven Help Me

Instead of going to church on Sunday, I participated in a boxed wine drinking competition.

Last night I walked in on a couple having a fight in the laundry room, and instead of leaving, I got my laundry. My cell phone rang, and instead of silencing it, I answered.

I am more excited for the "Lost" premiere tonight than I was yesterday for the inauguration.

I just got peanut butter on the inside of "Dubliners."

Earlier I found a paycheck under a stack of mess on my desk from 12/09/08. The reason I didn't notice it was missing? It is for $44. 94. That's how much I make for a day's work.

I'm now eating the peanut butter directly out of the jar.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

8 min

It is 5:12pm. I have 8 min until I leave for my last class of the day, Orgo discussion.


-Watched the inauguration from outside the presentation room in Sargent during my Dean's Host hour. It was exciting to watch it on the big screen (with all the professors who didn't realize a bunch of students had crowded around the door.)

-had falafel for lunch. mmm. however it is spelt.

-Saw an unusual amount of males with facial piercings when I was coming out of my abnormal lecture (i.e. a chin piercing, a really big lip ring, and an eyebrow ring--all in like the three min it takes to get from the lecture hall to the CAS exit.) Was shocked to find it snowing when I got outside.

-still upset by a dream I had last was a really, really nice dream. I don't believe in interpreting abstract dreams, but this was pretty damn concrete and made me realize that I still really want something that I thought I was over (not med school; I know I have been talking about that a lot lately.) I guess I should say someone, and not something. blarg.

okay, three minutes until 5:20. Gotta get my books together. Happy Inauguration day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Picture Post!

Over the months, I've taken a bunch of pictures for the sole intention of posting them on my blog. I never actually go through with it, so I figured, why not put them all up in one go? (I don't know why this is blue or underlined, but it is.)

(I couldn't figure out how to change the order of the pictures, so captions: the two notebook shots are from my econ nb; they are indicative of the grade I got in that class. The rest are some Christmasy fun, and a $2 mindfuck.)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

No sneakers, but feelin' fine

I didn't get the sneakers. I was really disappointed at first, but that's how it goes. They don't actually make the sneaker I want any more because styles change. The whole thing--where this stupid sneaker has become some symbol of fulfilment-- has made me think of a line from a very, very great movie:
"It's the only place where a boy like me could be happy."
Bonus points if you know what movie that comes from, and five dollars from me if you know what exactly that line is referring to.

I've seen two movies in the last two days, Revolutionary Road, and Gran Torino. Kelly and I just had an insightful conversation about the artistic merit of Revolutionary Road (Kelly: okay im sorry but the part where kate winslet is doing all that screaming and running off into the woods really just did it for me. i was like whattttttt is going on Me: its artsy, so you are required to like it and if you don't, you're a dumb ass Kelly: i was gonna say if you don't, well then fuck you.
your voice is too pitchy for me anyway)

I realized two things these last 24 hours: Clint Eastwood completes the holy trinity (in the name of Bono, Oprah, and's finally complete. Seriously, see Gran Torino.), anddd that the more things change, the more they remain the same. I dug this up from ancient history (pasted directly from my xanga):

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I wasn't going to make an actual post, but why not
Last night I went with the snarfs to see Hitch. The movie was okay but I had soo much fun just hanging out. The ticket girl called us stupid so when she turned around I yelled at her and left, so the girl thought it was catie lmao. Then in the theater jess and catie left me and kelly alone in the seats, so we started laughing all over again about the three kidney thing . The hardest I laughed was at this really serious part. Me and jess were like crying from trying to hold in our laughter. we were embarrassing catie soooo much. it was really funny and then the woman in front of us got pissed, which made us laugh even harder. lmao good times

It is so refreshing to see that some things really don't change. I deleted a bunch of shit I had written here, because really, what it comes down to, is that 2005 or 2009, I still have my girls and we will be pitchy as hell for a long time coming!

eeep. one more thing.

Friday, March 25, 2005
me and kelly are going to go to the OTB and bet on a horse named RunsLikeaHomelessPerson

Saturday, January 17, 2009

If this has been some sort of metaphor for the past year and a half, I'm stopping that now

I was looking forward to coming back to Boston when I was home, but I must say, this has been a disappointing week back. I wish I was still in Bellerose, but more importantly, I wish I was still with the people I'm so insanely lucky to have in my life. If nothing else, coming back to school has reminded me how blessed I am that this isn't it--and that waiting back on Long Island are family and friends who just accept me for who I am (it sounds cliched, but there is really no other way to phrase it.) Since coming back to school, I have felt judged by people who have no right to do so, discouraged by my heavier than expected course load, and frustrated in the face of rejection.

So as you can see, all and all, it has been great to be back.

Last night I had a nice little freak out about all of these things, but it didn't make me feel better. I believe only one relatively positive thing has come out of all of this. I've decided to finally buy those fucking pumas I have wanted now since last October (the very first time I saw my roommate wear them.) I doubt that I have to explain these shoes--I talked about them incessantly for over a year now. I've tried to buy them three times, only to fail every time I walk into the store. They aren't exactly a huge investment-- $60 for a pair of sneakers that at this point I actually need. Nevertheless, they have become a material representation of all that I have wanted and not been able to reach over the past year. Fuck it. Of all the real things that I have wanted and lost before I could even get my hands on it, a pair of fucking sneakers should NOT be on the list. Maybe if this was a Disney Channel original movie and I was a 10 year old basketball player from Harlem, a pair of sneakers would be a more appropriate metaphor, but I'm not and if I can get control over one little thing, it's going to be this.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Afterschool special

Coworker 1: Do you drink alcohol?
Me: (laughs) uh-uh
Coworker 2: What kind of dumb question is that?
Coworker 1: Want some?
Me: When?
1+2: Now! It makes the night shift barable

And guess what?!?!

Me: No, I don't want to get fired. Or cut my hand off.

I'm so proud! I never make the right decision in situations like that!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Unexpected Second Post of The Night

1. schadenfreude: "unexpected pleasure taken from observing the misery of another"

2. schadenfreude: professor gets into minor car accident, so first 8:00 class of the semester canceled

Phonetically speaking, I'm /screwed/

First day back to classes. My orgo lecture only has 25 people in it, which was a fantastic surprise. It's still probably going to be difficult, but at least it'll be difficult in a small classroom instead of a gigantic lecture hall.

The class that looks like its going to be the real nightmare is phonetics. I have two issues with the class: I speak with a New York accent, which is technically not proper English, and I can't spell to save my life. Oh well.

I leave you with this. Today at Subway, a lady asked me for "everything, despite the tomatoes and onion" on her sandwich.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When Frasier was on Cheers, he lived in Boston

This post has nothing to do with Frasier. Oh well, next time I'm sure.

I just uploaded all my pictures from winter break, including a few videos. Here is an excerpt from the greatest movie of all time, Mister Lonely

note: by greatest I mean worst, so please do NOT rent it and then be like "but you said!"

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you gossip on the sidelines

Growing up, I tried almost every sport. Basketball for a year, cheer leading for a year (my mom said I was the most miserable little cheerleader she ever saw...I was 8), softball for 7 years, soccer for 4 years, and volleyball for another 4 years.

I've always heard people talk about how sports taught them what it meant to be a team--the importance of working with others to achieve goals, etc. etc.

Holy shit there is a commercial for the HipHopMagician on right now and the number at the bottom of the screen is 718. I'm going to miss being home.

Where was I?

What sports taught me. Sports didn't really teach me much about team work per se. Softball taught me that walking up to strangers' houses and asking to use their bathrooms isn't always a good idea. Softball also taught me that being friend's with the coach's daughter doesn't mean you get to play, but that the sidelines was where all the good gossip was, anyway. It taught me that you couldn't disappoint anybody when you didn't really play, which meant that after the embarrassing games your dad would take you for Wendy's anyway, because his daughter had nothing to do with the team's loss.

Volleyball taught me that being on a completely defeated team (not a single win) was way funner than being on an undefeated team because there was no pressure. Losing all the time helped us to appreciate the finer points, like a good serve or returning the ball into the face (or ass) of a girl on the other team. Volleyball taught me to be grateful for St. Greg's, because no matter how much of a shit hole it was, at least it wasn't that school in Breezy Point that smelt like dead fish, or that school on Union turnpike that had an Eastern European/Indian flea market in front of it.

And soccer taught me that even though my dad can come across as aloof, he will always stick up for me and be there for me when I need him, even if that meant screaming at the coach in front of all the parents.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

but wait...there's more!

okay, so I'm heading back to Boston on Monday. I gave a pictorial representation of my break in the previous post, but unknown to be--the fun wasn't over! I was going to draw some more, but instead I will just add this:

"I love the chicken more than anything--but I think he's pregnant!"

-a quote from the greatest film of all time, Mister Lonely.

I also went with Jess into David's Bridal where we tried on bride's maids gowns for her sister Simone's wedding

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm Not Going to Lie: This Post is Vulgar.

I went to post something before, but I felt as though the creative well had run dry.

Then I realized that my creative well is more like some sort of pudding cup.

And then I realized that the pudding cup hadn't dried up, but I left it in Boston.

It has been way too long since I have made a paint-illustrated post. I didn't have any ideas, so instead I present to you this (from Sept '07):
It's a replica of a poster hanging in one of the BU health services rooms. I would like a full size one for my room!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

And the answer is.......Paisley.

My mother's parting words to me before bed were:

"Go to bed at a reasonable hour, because I am getting you up to go shopping tomorrow."

As you know, I adore shopping. It is currently my favorite physical activity, and although there are certain physical activities I have yet to try, I really doubt that anything is going to replace the thrill of shopping.

When I say that there are physical activities I have yet to try, I was referring to hiking. You sick bastard.

So despite the fact that my mother told me to go to bed early, instead I'm watching What Not to Wear and checking Lucky Magazine's website to tell me what I am allowed to like tomorrow at the mall.

I made a private oath to myself to not really devote much time to blogging about fashion or boys because I know each and every one of my readers, and those are the things that I talk about most in real life (not judging anyone who does talk about those things on their blog--we can't all write redundant posts about Bono and Frasier) but I felt the need to share this.

I realized, the title of the show What Not to Wear could actually be posed as a question.

And if Kellenberg taught me one thing, its that the answer to that question is quite simple:


Figure 1: Yeah, that's a paisley bow tie. And yeah, that is scotch tape holding the bow together with the tie. Jealous?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

You are now entering...

I could make that a silly pun, like, "You are now entering...2009," but I won't.

I've decided not to make any resolutions this year. It's not because I think I'm so great that I don't even need resolutions. That couldn't be farther from the truth. My grades need a huge improvement, I need to focus more on the important things, I need more self-control, and the list continues. I knew these things in '08, though, and I did little to fix them. It'll just be easier to see where the year takes me. There is so much that is out of my control, that I might as well just surrender myself to whatever will be and roll with it. I'll try to do my best in school, but that isn't because I was waiting for '09 to come. Beyond that, whatever happens, happens. This time next year I'll probably where I am right now-- parked on the couch in front of the Twilight Zone marathon, regretting the Entinmanns I ate the night before and the vodka that I didn't get to drink. Who knows, though. I could be done with my first semester at Hunter in the nursing program, Stony Brook, Queens, Brooklyn. I could be finished with my fifth semester at BU. I could be cracked out in an ally and not aware that it's New Years Day!

The last one was some hyperbole. I should use more of that in '09.

So, for 2009, I hope for myself--and everybody--with these crazy times that we can just be content, and maybe even happy, with the changes that the new year will bring.