Friday, December 26, 2008

The Greatest Gift of All

Christmas has come and gone. I talked to many friends and saw my family, warm wishes were shared, some genuine (my friends), some not so much (doesn't matter who).

I gave some awesome presents, and got 30 Rock season 2 on DVD from one brother, and earrings from the other. But the greatest gift of all came from Sarah:

The gift of an empty house on New Year's Eve, filled with the promise of an intimate party of close friends and a drunken entry into 2009.

I have started sorta dating a new guy. He doesn't drink, and I have said to my friends and family that if it becomes anything serious, I am willing to put drinking behind me. My friends understood; my mother was horrified. Of course I don't mean alcohol all together (my family would shun me) but the whole teenage binge drinking thing.

We aren't anything serious at all, though. Two dates does not warrant any promises or commitments--therefore, bring on New Years Eve!


paleblueeyes said...

yess, I am all about the shit show new years eve. We have already purchased way too much alcohol for it, but I'm fine with that.

Alana said...

Yay 30 rock!!!!