Thursday, December 4, 2008

For me, it always comes back to Nan

This evening at while I was on the job ("on the job" sounds like I'm a cop or fireman or EMT...sandwich artists are almost as important. almost.), a man got a meatball sub with pickles. He said, "I know its kind of weird." He's cute, and he's a regular, so I didn't respond with "I honestly don't give a shit about what you or anybody else gets on their sandwich." Instead I replied, "No, there is only one sandwich that I think is really weird, and one of the employees here makes it. He puts tuna, meatballs, and ham together with a ton of veggies." Everyone laughed, and then one of the other girls working asked me who it was. I told her it was Nan, and everyone laughed again, saying "Oh he's so weird" and things to that extent.

Nan is a student straight here from China who speaks no English. And I really mean none. I was telling my mom about him recently, and she pointed something out:

"What did you say his name was?"
"Are you sure?"
"...that's what everyone else calls him."

And then my mom asked the million dollar question:

"Does everyone call him Nan because you told them that was his name? Because you have a history of calling people Nan."

The answer to that question is yes. I believe I was the one who told everybody that his name is Nan. I thought that is what my manager said.

Which brings to mind this conversation from eons ago...

me, to middle school friend's grandmother: "Hi I'm Megan!"
What I heard: "Hi Megan, I'm Nan!"
"Hi Nan!"


me: I just met Nan!
middle school friend: who?
me: I met Nan upstairs
middle school friend: You mean my Nana?

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