Monday, December 15, 2008

Soundtracks: A Retrospect

An abbreviated post for finals time:

Music and sounds create some of our strongest memories. I strongly associate one album or another with many of my studying periods. A quick retrospect:

Sophomore year of HS comps: I got X&Y the Saturday before comps started and listened to it obsessively (June 11, 2005. I only remember that because it was the day after David and Elisa's wedding)

Junior year comps: I burned Revolver off of Michael

Senior year tri 2 exams: Absolution by Muse

Freshman year of college semester 1 exams: Lots of David Gray

Freshman year of college semester 2 exams: Lots of Dispatch.


laurenf said...

aww man. i have a ton of memories with X&Y as well.


paleblueeyes said...

I totally do the same listen to one album during finals thing. This year it's set yourself on fire by stars.