Monday, December 1, 2008

Alphabet Soup

This morning, I sat in Sargent and read about hearing aids. While it is not the most stimulating subject, it most certainly isn't the most boring, either (i.e. not the kind of subject that would cause me to pass out face first in the textbook, like the section on reading disorders.) I was reading along, when suddenly the letters started falling off the page. I wondered if I had fallen asleep without realizing it, as the letters stuck to my hand and got onto my shirt.

Nope, I wasn't asleep. And I'm not going crazy (or maybe I am, but that really isn't relevant for this story). I have no idea why it happened, but the letters were literally sliding off the page.

I just thought I would share that. I just picked an E and a T off my shirt.

1 comment:

laurenf said...

haha yeah, i get the train from south station....and that was quite an interesting journey last tuesday.

i'm pretty sure my arabic prof will let me take it earlier, so hopefully it works out!