Sunday, December 28, 2008

Unfinished Business

As the year rapidly approaches its close, I decided to follow in the footsteps of most magazines and TV shows, and cop out with a retrospective of the year. While the articles in Entertainment Weekly and shows like the Soup may look shiny and new, on closer examination they are just compilations of all the crap you have forgotten from earlier in the year.

Not to worry, though. I realize that my blog is not nearly interesting enough to repeat posts, so I offer to you....

The Rejected Posts of 2008

The blog site saves all of my unfinished posts. I offer to you the post titles and posts that didn't make the cut or I was just to lazy to complete:

If I could wear a sweater made out of tinsel, I would
I love tinsel. I love everything about it. I love how a box of it only costs 59 cents, I love the way it sparkles, and I love how my family coats our Christmas tree in it, despite the fact that our tree is fake.
Last Christmas, I couldn't find tinsel garland in any of the Boston supermarkets. No worries, though, I bought some tinsel garland at Target after the holidays last year (steeply discounted from the original $2 to 80 cents)

A Word about Oprah

Mid-Day Post
I have a little time to kill, and I figure why not write a post?

Warm (my attempt at being sentimental)
Its funny how the pictures you cherish the most aren't the posed ones at JC Penney (that's where we took our pictures. don't hate), but that candid shot of the family in your kitchen or living room.
And its funny how the moments you cherish the most aren't necessarily the milestones--graduations, birthdays, anniversaries--but the little stuff in between.
My childhood is technically over, I suppose. I am having difficulty summing it up in one word, but all in all, it was pretty damn good.
On nights like tonight, when I get nostalgic, I like to wrap myself in those memories. My brother trying to teach me how to ballroom dance when I was 8, watching ER with my family the night before my brother's college graduation, doing wheelbarrows on Kelly's front lawn, driving around Uniondale in search of a restaurant with the family (if you are from Long Island, you realize instantly why that makes no sense)

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