Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh my, your face is looking rather scaly

I recently dug this one out of the vault during a conversation with my parents, and I've been just itching to write about it.

In 1998, the first commercials for Viagra started to appear on TV. There was the famous Bob Dole one, but then there was another one that just featured men going about their daily activities, and then the camera would zoom a little closer and a voice would go "He has ED."

Now, I was generally a little fucker of a kid. There is no other way to put it. I was the one telling the other kids there was no Santa, asking my friends if they knew what exactly sex was (and if the answer was no, I'd gladly explain it) but for some reason this was the commercial that left me dumbfounded. The conversation went something like this:

9 year old me: I don't get it, Mom, their faces don't look scaly to me

Mom: What are you talking about?

That's right. I thought that the voice over said that these men had Ereptile Dysfunction, and in my little smartass head, I assumed that meant these men had something in common with reptiles. They kept zooming in on the men's faces, so the obvious conclusion was that these men had skin like reptiles.

Yeah. Don't worry, my mom cleared that one up for me. And then I presumably told every one of my friends.

Figure 1: You've been looking a little lizardish lately. Just take one Viagra and those scales should clear right up.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

haha, great! I'm pretty sure we should bond over being the ones telling the rest of the small children that there was no Santa.