Sunday, March 22, 2009

I hope I haven't lost you

So it has been a bit longer than usual between blog posts. The truth is, nothing has happened that I could write about here. Stuff has gone on, but some things you wouldn't be interested in (although that has rarely stopped me in the past,) some things are entirely inappropriate (that has never stopped me in the past, but I'm trying to come across as wholesome these days,) and other things just really aren't mine to tell.

I do not want to lose you, dear reader, so I'll give you another beauty tip!

Friday night, as I prepared for bed, I realized that my room smelled terrible. I whipped out the febreeze and went nuts.

But then, I realized that not just my room stunk, but my hair did, too. Febreeze gets rid of odors, my hair had an odor, so I did the logical thing.

I would say that my hair felt like straw the following day, but that would imply that it felt like something remotely natural. It took about handful of conditioner just to get my fingers through it, but I must say, maybe it was the conditioner alone, or maybe it was some sort of magical combination of the febreeze with the conditioner, but my roommate complimented me on how shiny my hair was, and actually it looked like I had straightened it. So next time you are feeling, uh, daring (cough) and want to try something new with your hair, go for some febreeze.

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