Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yesterday, Today

So the past couple of days have been a strange change of pace. I realized some things, found out about other things, and got some piece of mind about a few important things.

None of which I wish to discuss on a blog. Or, in person actually.

Which brings me to something I didn't realize I was going to talk about until 30 seconds ago when it randomly popped into my head. In junior year at Kellenberg, we read this book called "Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?" Basically, it sucked. Hard. In it, though, there was this section about "the games we play." One game in particular completely summed me up in a paragraph: The Willing and Wordy. People who play "The Willing and Wordy" game talk nonstop, but when you stop to actually think about what that person has said, it all amounts to nothing substantial. It's used as a defense to keep people from getting too close.

I have no unifying theme to my post. Here's a picture of something my mom sent me in a care package

(in case it's too hard to read, it says "wow! he already knows and he's so little")

and! I served on a jury today! hopefully in the future I will be smart enough to weasel my way out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha i love your mom. and you of course.