Monday, October 6, 2008

To my friends from the land down under..

By the land down under, I'm referring to the land under New York, which is New Jersey. According to this map from the Washington Post, the Democrats are losing their hold of the state.

Now, I'm not the most political person, and actually for those who are, I'm probably very frustrating to talk to. I'm that American teen who didn't vote in the primary because, well, I forgot. And even though I'm about as liberal as they come on most issues, there are a few issues (actually, its really only one) that I am pretty conservative on. I'm the last person who should talk politics.

Nevertheless, as hypocritical as it may seem, I'm asking my New Jersey people to make sure they vote. If that state is colored red on the map come election day, I will seriously cry. Plus, it would reaffirm the long held belief that New Jersey is good for nothing other than taking New York's trash.

1 comment:

laurenf said...

despite any map you might find, i don't think it would ever be possible for new jersey to vote republican. but hey, this kicks ass (really, only for me and whoever else chooses to vote via absentee ballot). if the polls are really close in new jersey, then they'll probably end up having to actually count my absentee ballot! yay!