Thursday, October 2, 2008

To two of my lovers, Kate and Kelly--

I was just going through the files on my computer when I found one called "Wedding." I clicked it, only to find this picture:

I have no recollection of drawing this, but I'm pretty sure I know why I drew this (err a certain wedding we all want to get invited to next summer? You know the one I'm talking names, though. I wouldn't want that person to ever google their own name only to have "My pet lizard, slappy" to pop up as a result). The date of creation was sometime last summer--presumably when I first got my laptop.

Well Kate and Kelly, I adore both of you, and yeah, this probably would happen if you went to that wedding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohmygoddddddddddddddd hahahahah
yeah thats def what would happen if we went...not that that stops me from desperately wanting to go.