Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oy vey

I'm not down right now, nor am I out. Am I confused as hell? You bet your sweet ass.

I could write a post about it, but maybe we can talk it out in real life. What I want the most right now is the advisement of a psychic (a real one who can tell me that she already knows what decisions I will make and that those decisions will yield lots and lots of happiness.)

quick note: my roommate used the term "tool bag" in her post last night, which means that it is possible that I am starting to rub off on her. The title of my post is definitely an Alana phrase, but it aptly describes how I feel right now.

and another note: Kelly, I almost used the phrase "copious happiness" just to make you laugh


Alana said...

nice, Meg!

Anonymous said...
