Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In a Nutshell

I've been semi-forced into doing a great deal of thinking lately about what I really want from my life. This prompted me to describe my academic experience thus far, but I decided instead to draw a picture of it. I put arrows in, so hopefully it makes some sense. (if you click it, it gets larger)


Alana said...

Ok, not that I want you to jump off a cliff or anything, but I heard that if your roommate commits suicide, the school will give you straight A's. Wow, I sound like the worst roommate ever. You can use my honey whenever you want!

laurenf said...

yeah... i dunno. i was looking at the price of pumas earlier......and i loled so hard...

i need groceries instead >_>

paleblueeyes said...

that is a beautiful artistic representation of your journey in life.

But I missed out on where the pumas come into the picture...

laurenf said...

sigh, but the prospect of ruining everyone's lives for a few months seemed so worth the $200+ it would cost for one of those lamps. >__________<