Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm listening to opera right now; my roomate better not walk in.

Of course I love my roommate (hey Alana!) but right now it's just me, vanilla tea, and a bit of opera.

I may be a pop culture junkie who eats up bad TV shows and movies, and I may talk about how much I dislike anything remotely related to the Bronte sisters or Jane Austin, but I have my high culture moments, too (secretly...except that now it's on my blog)

So, on a completely different topic, my friends and I participated in Making Strides today. Nine years ago, we lost my grandma to breast cancer. My aunt and my mom laughed with me on the phone today...I told them how we left the walk midway through the walk to get IHOP and we all agreed that skipping out for pancakes is the exact type of thing my grandma would have loved. Every time I smell crab apples (like the tree in her backyard) or a sauce cooking in the kitchen, I think of her and how much I still miss her.


Alana said...

Hi Megan!

Anonymous said...

oh man dude last night I was watching some of Pagliacci

haha opera twins