Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happiness is

So last night at dinner, my friends were discussing pessimism versus optimism. Some of my friends decided to switch places for a day. All and all it was a pretty enlightening discussion, albeit very funny. I believe it ended with Lauren getting smacked in the head with some guy's backpack.

I don't consider myself optimistic or pessimistic, but rather I'm just a happy person, or at least positive. I was down and out for a few days, but everything is fine now. That's not like me to get depressed. Feeling blue isn't going to cure any diseases, or bring about any positive changes.

Which brings me to this list I've been making in my head. We'll call it the happiness list (family and friends implied). Here goes:

Laughing till I cry
making other people laugh
good music
good vodka
playing piano until my fingers hurt
buying a sale item
stealing things from the dining hall
encouraging my friends to steal from the dining hall
getting a really good hug
riding my bike with Jess through Alley Pond Park
talking about TV with Kelly in a way that other people might find weird
realizing that Catie and I were thinking the exact same stupid thing
deep discussions at Nud Pob with Sarah
hearing about Kate's insane nights
Sinead's random texts
lunches with Bridget
riding in Dan's car and listening to his crazy music (although that has not happened in wayyy too long!)
these recent discussions between Sarah, Heather and myself that are oddly sober (err circus tent taxis?)
Playing video games in Lauren and Edyna's room
Whenever Arturo comes with us to dinner
Edyna's mixed drinks
Girls nights!
Watching TV in a group
Lost cookies
having a spell check come up with no errors

so there it is. I wasn't going to name anyone in particular, but then I realized, I had to. I am so lucky to have people in my life who make me happy every single day


laurenf said...

i did get hit in the head. he was displeased with me, i gather. how passive aggressive! hahaha

your list inspires me to make one of my own....maybe i will do that now...instead of studying for stats.......

Anonymous said...

LMFAO YES other people would find it weird. I love talking about tv with you too!!!!! and I also love lost cookies!!!!!!! eeeee =) i cant wait to see you tomorrow!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love making mixed drinks for people. If alcohol makes people happy then I will continue serving it as a cocktail.