Tuesday, May 5, 2009

She bought her a cat.

I am going to type very quickly, as I should be studying epidemiology instead of writing this, therefore you should read this very quickly, as I am sure you are rather busy with finals, too.

So earlier today I had a large mug of Maxwell House. The caffeine, along with my surging adrenaline, caused one of those caffeine buzzes that is just a bit more than you bargained for. My thoughts were rushing too quickly, and a bunch of random incidents kept popping into my head. Among other things, as I studied substance abuse/dependence for my psych exam, I couldn't get this conversation I had with my mom out of my head:

"Did I see a cat in the [family]'s window?"

Mom: "Yeah, they promised [daughter] they would buy her a cat if she quit cocaine."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the natural solution, hahahha

from kelly! lolol