I have some spacial relations issues, so it was necessary to whip out the measuring tape and hold it to my leg. Upon doing so, I notice something of a problem. The length from my waist to my knee is actually 16''.
That's right, a full half an inch shorter than the mini skirt.
Here's the thing. I know I'm short (although, on an aside, after living for a year with Alana, I think I started to believe that not only was I on the tall side, I was actually something of a giant.) I am 5'3'' (but I know when other girls are lying about their height because I'm lying. I'm 5'2''.) According to my calculations, though, a 16.5'' skirt would only be a mini on a mutant (or Heidi Klum)--
Figure 2: Scientific calculations
So no $10 skirt for me, unless I want to look like I was wearing a red version of the Kellenberg uniform.
No joke- I was reading your post in google reader and I forgot to look at who wrote it. And then I saw my name and got confused. I'm an idiot. I miss you!
its waist not waste!!!!!!
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