Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In so many ways I feel like I'm going through the freshman experience. Not "I'm going through the freshman experience all over again," but instead I'm living out what so many other sophomores did a year ago. I've had to learn to re-budget my time, for one thing. Last year I had two labs both semesters and even overloaded in the spring. Basically, there is no need to learn how to budget your time when you are on nonstop autopilot. I've also been having more fun that's less "we're going exploring in a new city!" and more "I don't remember getting here and where did that cat come from?!"

But today I felt shades of my old self come back, and actually, it wasn't too bad. I made a list this morning that broke down what I needed to do for today hour by hour, and I'm a little backed up in my homework but I still feel like I have a handle on things.

As the title of this blog says (in a style that makes it look like it's a Broadway play) here is the list of Productive (!) things I did today:
-Called Verizon to fix my phone (they didn't so I guess Dad will have to call the actual store)
-Got tickets to see Paul Farmer speak (if you don't know who he is, I really, really recommend you read this book.)
-Called mom to wish her happy birthday
-Ate a guinea pig
-Mailed Kelly the book I stole from her temporarily
-Went to class and stayed awake (all it took was eating an apple! still no coffee!)
-Took out trash

hope you have a productive day, too!


Alana said...

If you eat guinea pigs, who's to say you won't eat newts? THEY'RE POISONOUS. Therefore, we are not getting one.

Anonymous said...

so thats where my guinea pig went...