Saturday, September 13, 2008

I just ate some Kashi, and it was delicious.

Despite the fact that I rarely shut up in real life, when it comes to typing, I tend to be on the brief side. My papers last year always fell a page or two short, I give one word replies when instant messaging, etc. My attention span is pretty short; I'm actually already bored with writing this blog post and my mind has wandered to what type of smoothies were served in the dinning hall this morning. I hope it wasn't pineapple, because then I would be sad that I missed it.

I figure, considering this is the first real post, I need to update all ten people who will read this about my life thus far. And by that, I mean the last year. Don't worry, nothing too interesting happened so it'll be about 100 words and contain pictures.

Last year I was premed. It gave me headaches.

This summer, things like this happened.

And now I'm a speech, language and hearing major, and things are better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're amazing. I particularly liked the photos.