Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eat fresh, bitches.

So today is my first real day of work at Subway. It's only from 3:30 to 8:30, which really isn't too bad. At Macys my shifts were usually 7-8 hours, so 5 shouldn't be a problem. I tend to excel at meaningless tasks, so something tells me I am going to be a great sandwich artist.

Heather's been making lists, and I want to, too (at least for this post)

Things I'm great at:

5. Cleaning counter tops (when I volunteered in the hospital coffee shop in HS, I was told the counters were never cleaner)
4. Picking up clothes off of the floor and hanging them up (I kept getting $5 of macys money for clearing my racks the fastest)
3. Finding lost things
2. Getting people to tell me things
1. Quitting (I've quit organizations, majors, sports teams; dropped classes; let go of things I've really wanted, etc. etc. better than anyone else I know)

Things I suck at:
2. Spelling
1. The important stuff

sigh. happier post tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2008

flushing the toilet it's a cat.

I have created a cat-flushing-the-toilet monster out of my roomate.

please watch:

or don't, actually.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

If I had a million dollars, Well I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?)

It's been raining for three days. Oh Boston, you are making it very difficult for me to like you right now.

I was trying to type up a post, but I erased it. Basically, I can't wait to go home for a couple of days.

13 days until RED LOBSTER NIGHT! (if you understand what I'm talking about, then it probably means that you're one of the people I'm missing a whole lot right now)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Two posts in one day?? Now thats just excessive

I realized how boring my last post was...so to make it up, these are from the vault. SUMMER 2007: NARM

At least there is cookie crisp

Things I forgot to pack when I moved from bellerose back to boston: socks, half my underwear, sweaters, rain boots

I really, really need my boots right now.

So I have a pretty exciting weekend planned so far. After class today, grocery shopping, maybe sneaker shopping, maybe pizza, laundry (on a friday night. ohhh yeahhhh)

Tomorrow: food pantry for Red Cross, studying, studying, reading, studying.

Jealous much?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The thought of all the stupid things I'd said

the title, coming from the Coldplay song, "Trouble."

So, with that in mind, here is how my day has gone so far:

-We practiced using diagnostic tests in my communication disorders class. I did iffy overall on the Cognitive ability test and failed the cognitive judgement test. Stand out moments:

Q: What would you do if you were stranded at an airport with only one dollar?

A: (Me): hook for the rest of the money. But seriously ...hitchhike?

the real answer was call a friend to wire you money, or something along those lines.

Q: What is your full name?

A: Megan McIsaac!

Don't you have a middle name?

And after that, in the second class of my day, we were discussing comas, and I asked if that was the same part of the brain that would be affected by crystal meth. I did not see how that was an inappropriate question, but the other girls in my class just stared and the professor seemed a little surprised, too.

whateva, don't hate.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Again, I started to write something possibly meaningful about how easy it is to dislike people we don't even know, but alas, I can't be serious for more than five minutes and I have instead decided to post this picture of my chapstick. It has a badger on it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


In so many ways I feel like I'm going through the freshman experience. Not "I'm going through the freshman experience all over again," but instead I'm living out what so many other sophomores did a year ago. I've had to learn to re-budget my time, for one thing. Last year I had two labs both semesters and even overloaded in the spring. Basically, there is no need to learn how to budget your time when you are on nonstop autopilot. I've also been having more fun that's less "we're going exploring in a new city!" and more "I don't remember getting here and where did that cat come from?!"

But today I felt shades of my old self come back, and actually, it wasn't too bad. I made a list this morning that broke down what I needed to do for today hour by hour, and I'm a little backed up in my homework but I still feel like I have a handle on things.

As the title of this blog says (in a style that makes it look like it's a Broadway play) here is the list of Productive (!) things I did today:
-Called Verizon to fix my phone (they didn't so I guess Dad will have to call the actual store)
-Got tickets to see Paul Farmer speak (if you don't know who he is, I really, really recommend you read this book.)
-Called mom to wish her happy birthday
-Ate a guinea pig
-Mailed Kelly the book I stole from her temporarily
-Went to class and stayed awake (all it took was eating an apple! still no coffee!)
-Took out trash

hope you have a productive day, too!

Quick update.

I think I have ambition again! I thought it died, but it must have just been sleeping for a bit, on a vacation...

(real post later)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hey it's a new week. Lets celebrate with some 80s music videos.

It seems that the stars were slightly misaligned this weekend, causing the gods to shat upon many people who are close to me (except the ones who enjoyed this weekend with the aid of some..err...herbal methods. still jealous). So for those of you who had a shitty, relatively sober weekend, I hope this makes you laugh as much as Sarah and I did.


oh, and here's a pikachu.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

gosh, I tried to write something deep but I erased it because it was cheesy.


I just opened paint to draw a picture but I couldn't come up with anything.


so I'll just leave you with this: my mom bought me the TV guide so I could watch TV and know what was on. It was the queens edition.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes you just need to throw things.

Today I threw a French-English dictionary on the floor in anger. I had first thrown a flyer, but it didn't make any sound. I took it up a notch with the dictionary. I held it high above my head, and chucked it on the floor. It made a satisfying bang. It isn't the type of thing that breaks or causes a mess, which is really good. Then, I picked it up and put it back.

Despite the fact that I did enjoy throwing the dictionary, it wasn't enough and I ended up crying. And then I ate pizza bagels and now I think I'm going to read some more about the middle ear and then I'm going to fall asleep with the light on and in the morning I'll definitely eat some kashi.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Let take a tour of my room!

...or at least just the interesting stuff.

So this is my door. Alana and I have a star chart for when we do awesome stuff.

That's my pink bowl filled with Pad Thai from NUD POB. pobbbbb. mmmmmm.

My mom sent me that card...last week. on September 10. She wrote on the inside "Santa will be here soon!"

My current Ruckus playlist. ballin.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

No photographic evidence...

Let's take a multiple choice quiz.

Q: Last night, I...

a. Crashed a wedding

b. Saw a little person with pink hair riding on a motorized scooter (like the "Jazzy scooter")

c. Saw the dudes from Los Lonely Boys (and watched as Heather got an autograph)

d. Bought Super Pretzels at Shaws (not Star Market) at midnight

e. all of the above

I'll give you some time to mull that over.


If you guessed E you were correct! yey!

Only late, late last night, after everything was over, did I realize that both Heather and I had this on our hands when we went into the wedding:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I just ate some Kashi, and it was delicious.

Despite the fact that I rarely shut up in real life, when it comes to typing, I tend to be on the brief side. My papers last year always fell a page or two short, I give one word replies when instant messaging, etc. My attention span is pretty short; I'm actually already bored with writing this blog post and my mind has wandered to what type of smoothies were served in the dinning hall this morning. I hope it wasn't pineapple, because then I would be sad that I missed it.

I figure, considering this is the first real post, I need to update all ten people who will read this about my life thus far. And by that, I mean the last year. Don't worry, nothing too interesting happened so it'll be about 100 words and contain pictures.

Last year I was premed. It gave me headaches.

This summer, things like this happened.

And now I'm a speech, language and hearing major, and things are better.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What is this.

I have no idea why I created a blog. I have nothing significant to say, and chances are you will be a lesser person for reading anything I write.