Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Roid Rage

I trudged through most of yesterday feeling utterly exhausted. All day I thought of crawling into bed and passing out cold.

Yet, as soon as I hit the sheets, my mind was racing. Not with thoughts about what I had to do today or what I forgot to do yesterday, but koala bears.

Koala bears??

Yeah. I have no idea why, but the little furry creatures became the target of my thoughts. I was suddenly thinking about this picture I had seen a few months back from the Australian wildfires where an Australian firefighter was taking a koala out of a tree.

Ha! What a picture!

Then I was thinking about getting canolis to take home for Easter. Would they get soggy? Could I bring them to Passover on Thursday? No, no, they aren't Kosher.

My thoughts were flashing like that adult ADD commercial (you know the one--where the woman keeps seeing flashes of different pictures, including a life size bunny?) and I realized that I suddenly felt so happy that I was almost giddy.

And then I remembered that I was on steroids. And not a low dose, either.

Despite my still unusually happy mood this morning, I decided that I would buck what the "doctor" at Student Health prescribed (I put doctor in quotes because the training of all the medical personal at Student Health services is rather dubious,) and I would follow the advice of my doctor from home and gradually wean myself off the steroids instead of just stopping cold turkey in a few days.

So that's that. Here are some pictures!

Figure 1: I googled the picture for you. This was all over the news a few months back when all of Australia was on fire.

Figure 2: I referred to this picture in yesterday's post; I saw two pigeons having sex and my camera was already out. This was Karma's reward for something good! I saw two sparrows going at it in front of the School of Management the following week, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera that time. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, I suppose.

Figure 3: The afterglow. Take a lesson from the pigeons.

1 comment:

laurenf said...

ahh, no basket this time. lmao