Monday, April 6, 2009

The Jesus Piece and other Funzies

Recently a professor said with mild sarcasm that we would solve an extra problem "just for funzies." I have no idea why, but I thought that was intensely funny.

I'm heading home on Thursday for the holidays. It is Easter week, and regardless of where I stand in my fair-weathered relationship with Catholicism, I always get religious during this time of year.

Which brings me to the "Jesus Piece." During grade school and high school, every year we were given tiny religious pins that I would wear on my tie (grades 1-6,) bolero (7,8), or lapel (9-12.) I never thought anything of these; everybody, both the boys and girls, would usually pin them somewhere on their uniforms. The thing is, when I came to college, my mother explained to me that sometimes people find religious jewelry "offensive." I was a bit surprised by this, but nevertheless, I rarely put my cross on for fear of "offending."

Now, I've come to realize that I have never once been personally offended by somebody of another religion wearing a piece of jewelry that shows pride for his or her religion, therefore nobody should be offended if I want to wear a cross. I rarely, do, though--generally just during the religious times of the year.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I want to wear my cross because it's getting close to Easter or if it is because I keep hearing Kanye, The Game, and Biggie referencing Jesus Pieces. Come to think of it, they also reference crack quite a bit, and I've started using that, too, so I think maybe it is the rap.

And I promised other funzies, so here is a picture of two pigeons makin' babies.
Figure 1: I don't know what I did to deserve to witness this but it must have been something good.
EDIT: I just realized how inappropriate it was to include a picture of two pigeons having sex in a post that also discussed Easter and religious jewelry, so I took it out. I didn't want to leave a blank space, so here's the basket again. Enjoy.

Figure 2: My Jesus Piece looks exactly like B.I.G.'s


Anonymous said...

I always think of the song hypnotize "Cubans with the Jesus piece.." My family does not play when it comes to Jesus pieces. I used to get gold crucifix necklaces from my aunts. My mom doesn't trust me with jewelry so they're all in her possession.

laurenf said...

dude. i don't know if it's me, but that picture of two pigeons screwing is a basket.

Anonymous said...

haha i really dig your jesus bling ahaha

this is kelly. it wont let me do aim comments but thats prob becaue i forgot my password? lololol