Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coffee Stains

aka things that seemed like a good idea at the time
aka maybe I do have some cognitive deficits

Despite the fact that I have zero words so far of my psych paper, I already have a title:

Please Don't Burn after Reading: Pyromania in the Adolescent Population.

Ha ha. aren't I clever.

Right now I am drinking an ice cold cup of jet fuel. Last night, I filled a bowl with water, microwaved it, dumped in some instant coffee, allowed to cool, and then poured it all into an empty milk container, and popped it into the fridge.

See, I remember this working much better last year. Here is what happened last night:

Figure 1: Yeah, that's a bowl of coffee spilled all over the floor. I see no problem with this situation.

As I got down on my hands and knees and tried to sop up roughly 8 oz of coffee, I reminded myself that hey, it's okay, it's not like I have one of those Pyrex measuring cups with the spouts...


You guessed it. We do have one. It's Alana's, and something tells me she wouldn't have minded if I had borrowed it.

Similar to solving the issue of "How do you get from the airport without any money?" my reasoning, once again, made very little sense and caused the biggest mess.

Oh well, I'd do anything for you, dear coffee.

1 comment:

Alana said...

Haha. I was about to say, I have one and you totally could have used it.